Class of 2025
Graduation is Tuesday
June 3, 2025 at 6:30 pm
- Last day of school for seniors is Thursday, May 29th.
- Cap and Gowns will be distributed during 2nd lunch on Thursday, May 29th.
- Graduation is a ticketed event. Only guests with tickets will be able to attend. Each graduate will receive eight (8) tickets. Gates open at 5:30pm for ticketed guests. No seat saving allowed.
*The ceremony will be held outdoors…rain or shine.
* If the ceremony has to be moved indoors due to thunder & lightning, each grad will receive two (2) tickets
COLLEGE & CAREER - Please check our College and Career Center Page often for Oregon Promise, FAFSA, and Scholarship Updates.
- October 3rd - JOSTENS - Just a reminder that Jostens is at LHS in the commons 10/3/24 to take cap & gown orders for seniors! They will be here from 4:30 to 6:30pm tonight for seniors and/or their parents/guardians to drop them off if you missed the lunch time drop off. If you can't make it today, you can place an order online at this link: ORDER HERE. Please place orders soon! Prices will increase next Thursday, October 10. All seniors who plan to walk at graduation will need to order the cap and gown unit for $41 (or as part of a package). This includes your cap, gown, diploma, diploma cover, and tassel for graduation.
- Wednesday, October 16th - Oregon Promise Application opens OREGON PROMISE DEADLINE: June 1, 2025 - the application is now open Apply for Oregon Promise –
- Monday, October 28th - College Knowledge Night - Financial Aid- 2024-25CollegeKnowledgeNight_FinancialAid.pdf
- Sunday, December 1st - FAFSA Opens FAFSA | Federal Student Aid This is the federal application for financial aid in college. Completing it is a requirement for Oregon Promise and schools use this information to determine how much aid money you qualify for in college. You will need your parent/guardian’s tax information to complete the application. Some of FAFSA’s grants are first come, first serve so apply as soon as possible!
- Tuesday, December 3rd - Senior Meeting regarding Job Fair
2025 SENIOR GOOGLE SHEET LINK - LHS Office staff need for cap & gown & graduation purposes
- Tuesday, December 17th - Senior Job Fair - required for all seniors
- Thursday, January 16th - FAFSA/ORSAA Workshop 4- 7 pm - LHS Staff along with Admissions staff from Linn Benton Community College will be available on Thursday, January 16, 2025 from 4:00 to 7:00pm in the LHS Library. If you need help with FAFSA, ORSAA, Oregon Promise, OSAC, or other applications, please stop by! We will also have Spanish translators available. If you need to file your FAFSA/ORSAA, please bring with you the following:
- Personal information: Your Social Security number, driver's license number, and email address
- Parent information: If you're a dependent student, you'll need your parents' Social Security numbers and other financial information
- Tax returns: Your federal tax returns and those of your parents (if you're dependent)
- Income and asset information: Records of your cash, savings, and checking account balances, investments, and business and farm assets
- FSA ID: A verified account username and password to log in to
- Other documents: Your Alien Registration number if you're not a US citizen, or your Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) number if you have one
- Friday, January 24th - Last day of Semester 1
- Wednesday, January 29th - First day of Semester 2
- Monday, February 3rd 6pm- College Knowledge Night: Scholarships
- Sunday, February 9th - Senior Photos and quotes due to Yearbook. Email to
- Friday, February 21st - Academic Honors applications due ACADEMIC HONORS DIPLOMA & SPECIALIZATION APPLICATIONS - Applications can be picked up at the beginning of 2nd semester at the Registrar's desk. The application will take only 5-10 minutes to complete and must be filled out by the student. To apply for Valedictorian or Salutatorian simply fill out the Academic Honors Application. Criteria sheets available with the application.
- Graduating class of 2025, if you are planning on attending LBCC for their CTE programs like: Automotive technology, Early Childhood Education, Welding, Phlebotomy, and so much more than you need to sign up for LBCC's CTE Signing Day. Attending this event guarantees your spot in these programs. There will be scholarship opportunities and other exclusive benefits for this event. The deadline to sign up is March 1st. If you would like to sign up, there are flyers around the school with QR codes and in room 203. If you have any questions or need to find out if your program is a part of this event, come see Jaramie.
- Tuesday, April 8th - Last day of Qtr 3
- Saturday, May 10th - Jr/Sr Prom (revised date)
- Monday, May 19th- LHS Awards/Scholarships Night
- Tuesday, May 20th - Mr. LHS - Canceled
- Thursday, May 29th - Seniors Last Day of School & Pick up cap/gown during lunch (no early pick-up). All fees/fines must be paid prior to receiving your cap & gown - contact Lisa Miller or check updated list posted by the finance office window.
- Tuesday, June 3rd - GRADUATION DAY
- 7:30 am - breakfast
11:00 am - Grad Walk - after grad rehearsal those seniors who want to walk the halls of the elementary schools can participate. Details will be given at senior meetings.
5:30 pm - Arrive for graduation
6:30 pm - Graduation begins at 6:30pm, this is a ticketed event. Each graduate will receive 8 tickets.
9:00 pm - Senior All Night Party -info to be given at senior meetings.
- 7:30 am - breakfast
- Wednesday, June 4th - Diploma pick up in office